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The Retail Point Podcast

What’s the Point?

The Click Deal Buy! Retail Point Podcast: Open Discussions on Retail

Welcome to The Click Deal Buy! Retail Point Podcast, where we dive deep into the world of retail without tooting our own horn. Our mission is to create an open platform for discussing everything retail—no topic is too broad or too narrow. We want to explore the good, the bad, and the ugly, all while being informative, engaging, and fun.

What to Expect

  • Broad Coverage, Narrow Focus: While retail is a vast field, each episode will zoom in on specific aspects, allowing our guests to share their insights on what they like and dislike.
  • Honest Conversations: We encourage our guests to speak candidly about their experiences, offering a balanced view of the industry.
  • Interactive Content: Listeners are encouraged to send in their questions and comments. We will address these in our episodes, making the podcast a two-way conversation.

Our Format

  1. Guest Interviews: Each episode features industry experts, retailers, and thought leaders who share their perspectives on various retail topics.
  2. Listener Interaction: We will answer listener questions and discuss their comments, creating a community feel.
  3. Themed Discussions: Episodes will focus on specific themes within retail, such as e-commerce trends, customer experience, supply chain challenges, and innovative marketing strategies.


  • Informative: Provide valuable insights and knowledge about the retail industry.
  • Engaging: Keep listeners hooked with dynamic conversations and diverse viewpoints.
  • Fun: Ensure the podcast is entertaining, making learning about retail enjoyable.

Marketing and Listener Engagement

  • Promotional Campaigns: Through targeted marketing efforts, we will promote the podcast across various platforms to attract a wide audience.
  • Social Media: Use social media channels to engage with listeners, encouraging them to submit questions and topics they want to hear about.
  • Feedback Loops: Regularly seek feedback from our audience to improve the podcast and address relevant topics.

Join us on The Click Deal Buy! Retail Point Podcast for honest, insightful, and entertaining discussions on all things retail. Send us your questions and comments, and let’s make this podcast a lively, interactive community where we all learn and grow together.